Scarcity mindset vs Abundance mindset

BNY Podcast

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Abundance Mindset

Welcome to the 51st episode of The BRAND New You show THE podcast dedicated to helping you OWN your BRAND.

Each week we meet here to learn how you can use today’s technology to own your career, grow your influence and build your personal brand.

In honor of Thanksgiving here in the United States, today's show is about Gratitude, specifically the differences between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset.

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A lot of people I talk to about owning their brand always seem to have an excuse, or I guess it’s a reason in their mind, why they think they can’t do something or why they don’t believe personal branding is a real thing.

Most of the time, these folks exhibit what I would say is a deeply engrained Scarcity mindset.

Unfortunately for them and for us, they tend to see life as having only so much, and there's not enough to go around. Using the analogy from my discussion with Jared Easley, it might help you think of the scarcity mindset as a pie.

The scarcity mindset tells us there is only one pie in existence. Therefore, if someone were to take a big piece of the pie, it would mean there is less available for everybody else.

In this way, people exhibiting a scarcity mindset often have a difficult time sharing recognition and credit and being genuinely happy for the success of other people. When they see someone taking what they feel is their piece of the pie, they become very self-centered and will do anything they can to keep you from getting a piece of the pie.

Sadly this is the mindset that exists in many corporate cultures and I'm guessing this reminds you of someone you know?

The truth is, I think under certain circumstances we all can develop a scarcity mindset.

For example, do you ever take things too seriously?

Have you ever thought that if you tried something new and failed, the sky might fall so to speak?

Have you ever been concerned about what others might think about you if you do that thing you've always wanted to do, whatever the thing might be?

Do you compare yourself to others?

Do you want to write a book but as soon as you put the pen to paper you think, why should I write this book – there’s already a book on that topic.

These are all symptoms of your scarcity mindset at work and this mindset is holding you back.

When you think this way, you invite failure in into your life because your negativity becomes an obstacle on your path to success.

The scarcity mindset keeps you where you are in your life and in your work.

But, if you’re going to create a BRAND New You, you need to OWN your BRAND by moving away from the scarcity mindset and embracing the abundance mindset.


To see life through the lens of abundance takes a conscious effort on your part especially in the beginning.

The abundance mindset comes from a sense of personal worth and security. It comes from owning your brand.

When you reach this point, you are no longer concerned about what others might think, you’re not concerned about the sky falling or that someone else already wrote a book on the same topic.

Getting to this point requires a paradigm shift on your part. You have to see that the pie is no longer limited.

There is enough pie to go around.

This is an important point so repeat after me: There is plenty for everyone. Say the sentence often enough, it’ll become second nature and you’ll be well on your way to an abundance mindset.

The abundance mindset will enable you to own your career, grow your authority and build your brand.


1 – Focus on abundance, not lack.

We’ve all heard the expression you improve what you measure. The same is true for the abundance mindset except it’s not what we’ll measure per say it’s what we focus on that matters.

This is because what you focus on, you will begin to see in your world.

Focusing on what’s good in your life instead of what is lacking, allows you to see the abundance in your life that you may be missing out on right now.

I think Oprah Winfrey summed it best when she said,

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

If you focus on the good you will start to see all of the possibilities in front of you. Ideas and opportunities will start to “pop up”.

2 – Appreciation what you have.

Being thankful for your food, life, the roof over your head, your co-workers, your friends, and your family. Remember there are too many people in this world who have very few or none of these things.

Taking time to appreciate what you have, will not only help you turn a sour mood into a more positive one but again it can also help you notice opportunities in your life you have missed or forgotten about.

If you want to build a more abundant life, something as simple as offering words of genuine appreciation to others may just be the fastest and simplest ways to get there.

So make it a habit to appreciate something in your life, even just a few minutes each day.

3 – Choose to see opportunity.

We can choose to see obstacles or we can see opportunities. I’ve said for years that problems are really just opportunities for improvement.

So the next time you are faced with an obstacle, flip it around and consider it an opportunity to improve instead.

Doing this works and provides motivation for you like it does for Kobe Bryant who once said,

“Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.”

So choose to see the opportunity in every problem, every challenge you face. It can be difficult but if you truly own your brand, choosing possibilities over obstacles, will set you apart from the crowd and give you an opportunity to rise.

4 – Carefully select the company you keep.

I’ve borrowed the quote from Jim Rohn many times but it bears repeating here.

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

Mindsets are contagious. They work on you without you even knowing it. As you start to see opportunities take note of those around you who still see problems or issues.

I’m not saying you need to abandon your friends but if you want to move into an abundance mindset you are going to need to limit your time with “the-glass-is-half-empty” people.

5 – Give.

Give your time, give your money because one very good way to acknowledge how much you have is to share it with others.

This may sound counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to increase your abundance is to give.

Don’t feel like you have enough time? Slip away from your obligations, even if just for an hour, to help someone in need.

Be a river, not a reservoir. Giving is sure to put you in a more abundant and appreciative frame of mind. After all, it’s hard for something to feel scarce when you’re giving it away.


So what are you thankful for today and what opportunities will you see tomorrow? I’m very grateful for each and every one of you tuning in right now. You have no idea how humbling it is to see your tweets and read your emails of appreciation.

It’s because of you that I see opportunities where others might see work.

Take a few minutes today to focus on what you have, appreciate those around you and remember there is enough pie to go around.

As I wrap up here I’ll leave you with this quote by Zig Ziglar.

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

If you feel so inclined, send me a tweet @RyanRhoten and let me know what you are grateful for today.

Don’t forget to include the #BNYChat that’s BNY as in Brand New You chat when you do.





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Things covered in the workbook include:


1 - Self-Awareness

2 - Your Vision

3 - Your Positioning

4 - Your Skills and Traits

5 - Your Values

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Integrate Step Workbook



Grab your copy and get started today.


Things covered in the workbook include:


1 - Digital Audit

2 - Your Career Bio

3 - Setting up a website

4 - Personal Brand Landing Pages

5 - Your Digital Assets

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Create Step Workbook



Grab your copy and get started today.


Things covered in the workbook include:


1 - Your Content Muscle

2 - Becoming a Creator

3 - Repurposing Your Time

4 - Repurposing Your Content

5 - Keyword Research

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Engage Step Workbook



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Things covered in the workbook include:


1 - Your Connection Strategy

2 - Twitter Chats

3 - LinkedIn


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Things covered in the guide include:


1 - Calls to Actions

2 - Value Propositions

3 - The Hero Section

4 - The Customer Process


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Grab the guide and get started today.


Things covered in the guide include:


1 - Calls to Actions

2 - Value Propositions

3 - The Hero Section

4 - The Customer Process


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Grab your copy and get started building your CareerKred today.


Things covered in the workbook include:


1 - The Define Step

2 - The Integrate Step

3 - The Create Step

4 - The Engage Step

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Grab your copy and get started building your CareerKred today.


Things covered in the book include:


1 - The Define Step

2 - The Integrate Step

3 - The Create Step

4 - The Engage Step

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