“If You Are Looking for a System to Build Your Personal Brand, READ THIS BOOK!”
– S. Purnell
– Warwick A. Brown
CareerKred: Build Your Personal Brand
Previously #1 in the marketing category on Amazon

4 Simple Steps to Build Your Brand Online
If You Are Looking for a System to Build Your Personal Brand, READ THIS BOOK
I had the opportunity to read an early draft of this book and loved it. Ryan developed the DICE system out of his own experience helping people understand and build their personal brands. His story of being passed over for a promotion, as well as his journey to build his own brand, showed me how I could do it too. I think the DICE system is smart and practical. Great book Ryan.
You are a brand. Don’t leave it to chance!
I came across this book seeing that it is top-rated on one site among personal branding books. Wow, this book is packed with really interesting content from cover to cover! A real gem in my book collection. It walks you through D.I.C.E. steps for defining and building your brand. It is also accompanied with questionnaires and a workbook you can download for free. And what I liked the most is that it compelled me to take action right away. Preparing to read it again right now. Great job Ryan!
Loved the book. Applicable content, fun to read and relevant. A must to advance.
I got the book because I was asked to give a training on personal branding. Not only did I get all
The tools I needed to give the conference, but I learnt so much myself on how to build my own personal brand and start this amazing self knowledge journey. I wrote Ryan to thank him and he wrote back! I promise, if you read this book you’ll be sure of how to start taking one step ahead in your career. Thank you Ryan!
A Few Things You'll Learn Inside CareerKred…
The secrets to STAND OUT from your competition.
How to become the ONLY choice.
How to define your brand..even if you don't know where to start.
How to prepare for your Red/Blue pill moment..and you will have one. – pg. 7
How to determine the status of your current online reputation and what it means. – pg. 12
Why your online presence (digital brand) matters and how it's importance will only continue to grow! – pg.18
How your career story is like Tom the Turkey's…and how like Tom, you'll never see it coming. pg. – 19
How the internet is making your advanced degree worth far less than you paid for it. – pg. 20
Why your current brand (Yes. You have one) is probably costing you opportunities. – pg. 27
Why “Old-School” career methods no longer work…And how you can fix it! – pg. 29
Why workplace credibility is no longer contained by the four walls of your current building! – pg. 33
Why you need to establish your expertise NOW before it's too late. – pg. 34
Why you need to be thinking GLOBALLY not locally about your career. – pg. 41
Why your personal brand is your NEW resume…and what to do when resumes are a thing of the past. – pg. 41
The single biggest question you MUST answer when building your brand. (It's probably not what you're thinking.) – pg. 53
The difference between a personal brand and personal branding (understanding the difference has a HUGE impact on your strategy.) – pg. 55
THE one skill you need to develop when defining your brand. – pg. 60
How to obtain the skills you need to successfully build your brand and career. – pg. 68
Why you need to align your values with your work to advance and find happiness in your career. – pg. 68
The importance of TRUSTED ADVISORS as you define your brand. – pg. 75
The exact email template I used to open my eyes to a completely new understanding of my career. – pg. 78
Why assessments are the most underutilized brand development tool…but will point you in the right direction once you know how to use them the RIGHT way! – pg. 79
The exact formula you need to write a personal brand statement that will capture attention and position you as a leader. – pg. 85
How the line between your online brand and offline brand is blurring…and the ramifications it will have on your career! – pg. 89
How you can unlock the power of your brand by aligning your online and offline activities. – pg. 92
Why invisibility online “is a fate worse than failure!” – pg. 93
How Google is controlling your first impressions and the perceptions others have about you…and why you should care (and you should care.) – pg. 99
An awesome book on personal branding – read it!
What I love about this book is the step-by-step DICE process that Ryan created and all the resources he offers. He walks you through the why + how to create a digital personal brand. By investing the time to read the book and doing the exercises in the workbook in a pace that works for you (download link included in the book FREE), you will create the foundation of your personal brand, including your tagline, with the help of several assessments and your own targets. I highly recommend this book to anyone, we're all a personal brand after all, and social media is here to stay :) Also, check out his podcast “The Brand New You”, it's an excellent resource on so many levels.
Up-to-Date & Highly Actionable
This book is a must for everyone nowadays. It is easy to read and as a professional with 10+ years of experience between management consulting and finance – currently transitioning to strategic communication & digital marketing, I could relate with all the concepts it highlighted. More importantly, the book teachings are highly actionable as the author presents the DICE framework that every professional could follow to build their digital personal brand and become whomever they want to become and be known for.
Ryan is a true expert on personal branding. Using his DICE process, I have elevated my CareerKred by first figuring out what I wanted to be known for, then making that thing known to the world and finally engaging with others to demonstrate my expertise in that area. His book is chock-full of both principles and specific actions for establishing your brand online. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to stand out in their career.
Not Just For Business Only!
I was a full-time elementary teacher for 35 years and have been a part-time teacher for the past twelve years. As a teacher, I am very impressed by the way Ryan has organized his book. His book is organized with precise directions and resources to help you in our digital age. I am not in the “business world”, but people who teach business should definitely read this book and share it with their students!
And That's Just The First 100 Pages …
You also get access to the CareerKred Companion Workbook. With over 120 pages, the workbook will walk you through ALL of the exercises you need to build your brand!
Practical Career Branding Advice – And Some Wake-Up Calls Too
Ryan starts the book with a wake up call type of story where he realizes he was getting mistaken for a drug dealer. I won't spoil the rest by explaining more, but I can relate because there are hundreds of people who share my namesake, so personal branding online can be challenging. How would anyone know they're finding me versus the 499 other people with my name?
He offers his DICE model, which is a great process. The basics are:
D) – Define your brand
I) – Integrate your brand online
C) – Create content for your brand
E) – Engage with your audience
The whole book dives into the how's & why's of these. It's compelling stuff. I really love his notion that there's a huge difference between “brand” (current state) and “branding” (what you're actively doing). My work sits near the concept of personal brand. Although it's a different type of professional development, I still meet people constantly who pay no conscious attention of their personal brand until they're actively looking for a job. And really, that's too late. Ryan makes it approachable and interesting when you don't need it so that it can serve you when you DO need it.
Eye Opening Stuff in Here!
Ryan Rhoten does a great job of both motivating and teaching in this book. For me, the idea he proposes of being a curator of content in your niche was a real eye-opener. Thanks, Ryan.
The Wake Up Call Your Career Needs
The answer is: it's your fault.
You've probably neglected your career, relied on hard work and experience (sorry that just doesn't cut it anymore) and have no idea how to uncover your unique value or how to communicate it digitally to the rest of the world.
Well at least, that's what I realized for myself after reading Ryan's book.
Ryan doesn't beat around the bush and tells it to you straight. At times it's confronting. It's hard to face the fact that you are to blame for where your career is. No-one else. The good news is Ryan lays down the plan to get you back on track and establish your credibility and authority.
The first half of the book is all about uncovering your values, which is really important to you, what you're good at and finding your niche. There are lots of practical exercises and advice to help you understand what it is that makes you tick.
The second half is about how to build your brand on social media (Ryan suggests starting with two channels, LinkedIn and Twitter), find your audience and share your wisdom. He shows you how to set up your profile, nurture influencers, curate content and how to find and engage with your audience.
A couple of things really resonated with me:
We can't look to past success to predict the future. How many people do you know who got the chop and never saw the ax coming?
We often get to the point where we think “I've earned my success and paid my dues” so we put the brakes on. Those juicy projects start going to someone else, the innovation and enthusiasm that got you where you are fade as you enjoy the fruits of your labor and then you start to become invisible.
Finally, establishing your credibility, being seen as an authority in your field and earning the attention of the right people is achieved by helping people. Ryan makes it clear that if you focus on being authentic and consistently bringing value to your audience the rest will come.
I truly enjoyed this book. I've read several on Personal Branding and this is one of my favorites. Ryan is also very engaged on social media and delights in interacting with his readers, which I also really appreciate.
I can recommend CareerKred without hesitation and know it's a book I'll be returning to many times over the years.
Five Stars
This is a must-read and must implement book for anyone wanting to improve their professional profile.