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Katrina Collier – Social Recruiting
Today I welcome to the BRAND New You show Katrina Collier from The With knowledge gained from over a decade of in-house and third-party recruitment, Katrina teaches companies to use social media to gain access to their candidates directly on many...
David J.P. Fisher – Networking in the 21st century
Today I welcome to the BRAND New You show David J.P. Fisher president of Rock Star Consulting. David, AKA - MC D-Fish to his band mates, is a speaker, entrepreneur, coach, salesman, writer, marketer, yoga enthusiast and salsa dancer. He also happens to be the author...
Lynda Spiegel – How to make a successful career pivot
Today I welcome to the BRAND New You show Lynda Spiegel founder of Rising Star Resumes. Lynda is a human resources and communications professional with over 14 years’ experience in sourcing, recruiting and hiring top talent in a variety of industries. At Rising Star...
Claudia Altucher Become an Idea Machine
Today I welcome to the BRAND New You show Claudia Altucher. Claudia is a writer, podcaster, speaker and a teacher of Yoga. She has three books to her credit. Her first book is called “The 21 things to know before starting an Ashtanga Yoga practice”. Her second book...
Lisa Cummings – StrengthsFinder Coach
Today I welcome to the BRAND new you show Lisa Cummings founder of Pinch Yourself Careers. As the Chief Strengths Sleuth, Lisa brings 20 years of experience in helping people find and leverage their strengths at work. Her love for the strengths movement started in...
Kylie Chown – LinkedIn Profiles, Resume Writing and Personal Brands
Today I welcome to the show Kylie Chown from Kylie Chown Consulting. With more than 10 years of consulting experience, Kylie is a Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW), LinkedIn profile writer and a Reach Certified Social Branding Analyst. She works with executive job...
Your Host

Hey. Ryan here. I'm a podcast junkie. I love listening to them and producing them. My podcasts all revolve around a common theme – helping you get the most from your branding and marketing so you can grow your brand and business.