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The Resume Coloring Book with Lea McLeod
Today we welcome to the show Lea McLeod the founder of Lea is an accomplished Author, blogger, and speaker. She has been featured on many major career sites such as Forbes, ABC news, Lifehacker, fox business, and the u.s news and world...
Michael Peggs – Personal Branding 101
Today we welcome to the show Michael Peggs from Michael is an accomplished writer, blogger, and speaker. Peggs, as his friends call him, has been featured in Fast Company magazine, the Huffington Post, business insider, under30CEO and the...
Tim Saumier – Why we must reinvent recruiting
Today on the BRAND new you show, we welcomed our very first guest, Tim Saumier, President, and CEO of Tyges International. Tyges is an executive search firm that specializes in Manufacturing and Healthcare placements. Prior to establishing Tyges, Tim worked for...
Transferable Skills
When was the last time you had a job interview? Recently I was discussing career options with a friend who was contemplating a career change. During the course of our discussion, he let it slip that he hadn’t had an actual interview in over 7 years. He was a little...
What is Personal Branding?
In the last BRAND New You show, I gave you my definition of personal branding which is: “what people feel, think and say about you when you’re not around”. But how do get people to feel, think and speak about in the way you want them to? That’s what I cover in this...
The BRAND New You Show has launched!
And I’m off… After months of considering starting a podcast and a few more months thinking about the format, the topics, and the technical aspects involved…I’ve launched. While I'm very excited about this new media venture, I’m also scared to death. Not so much about...
Your Host

Hey. Ryan here. I'm a podcast junkie. I love listening to them and producing them. My podcasts all revolve around a common theme – helping you get the most from your branding and marketing so you can grow your brand and business.