What's your niche? I was on a call yesterday with a prospect who needed to “clarify their message,” so I asked, “Why do you need to clarify your message?”
“My current messaging isn't resonating,” she answered.
“Why do you think it isn't resonating?”
“I don't know. That's why I scheduled a call with you.” Fair enough.
As we continued to talk, we uncovered that she was afraid to niche down because her offer “can help everyone.” As a result, her messaging was messy and confusing to her ideal audience. I see this a lot with entrepreneurs. They don't want to narrow their niche (focus) because they believe they will lose money.
Of course, this isn't true. A messy message will cost you more.
The truth is when you “niche down,” you end up with more clients, revenue, profits, and time. But still, the uncertainty remains. So, rather than narrow their focus, many choose to work with everyone instead. Newsflash: Everyone is not a niche. It's a recipe for burnout.
The good news is having helped entrepreneurs with messaging for several years now; I can tell you there is a formula for finding your niche. But you may not like it. Finding your niche comes down to one word, and it's not even a four-letter one; choices.