Many “gurus” would have you believe a sales funnel is transactional. You do this + this + this = Boom! Clients. Life is good.
While it is true, sales funnels follow defined steps – building blocks – the most effective funnels are NOT transactional. They are relational. More than a formula, sales funnels are a way to have conversations and build relationships with your audience.
When you view everyone as a “lead” you say things like:
- “Get new leads today!”
- “Increase your pipeline by 10X”
- “Double your revenue in 30 days with our X formula.”
- “You need a sales funnel to survive.”
Then you spam people with irrelevant messages. Instead, view a sales funnel as an opportunity to build a relationship. Say things like:
- “Have you tried this first before spending X dollars?”
- “No. Right now, you don't need to be on Clubhouse.”
- “Do you know WHO your audience is?”
- “Is your message clear and understood?”
Before you “invest” in the next great thing to “drive revenue,” ask yourself if that thing will help you strengthen relationships. If the answer is no, then what you are really buying is a puzzle piece without the image on the box to help understand how it all fits together.
A real sales funnel treats others the way you want to be treated. Hmmm…I feel like I've heard that somewhere else before.