Do you know who your audience is?
How often have you heard this – “The Riches are in the Niches!” or “You need to narrow your niche!” When most entrepreneurs hear this they automatically think – people. Who do I serve?

This causes what seems to be a ceaseless exercise in analyzing current and past clients for commonalities.
- Are they in the same industry?
- Do they do similar work?
- Are they mostly females or males?
- What are their demographics?
This is especially frustrating if you work with a wide variety of clients. The only thing they seem to have in common is you. Hmmm. Maybe there's something there.

What if instead of focusing on WHO your audience is, you focused instead on WHY they come to you.

In order words – WHAT problem are you solving for them?

Figuring out your audience is a common struggle for many, mostly because they focus on the wrong thing.

We've been trained to look at people and demographics first, but what if instead, we looked at how we help our clients and answered these questions first:
WHAT problem do you solve for your clients?
WHY do they hire you?

I think if you start by answering these questions, you'll quickly discover WHO you serve.
Special thanks to Taki Moore for sharing this concept with me.